A well-aimed spear is worth three.
-Tad Williams

The “Tip of the Spear” is a phrase used by the military to define successful, leading edge, aggressive warfare. And people that pursue such a course become the “best of the best.” You can also apply this term to define individuals that “overcome” extreme circumstances by using extraordinary effort. The only way to beat your health problems is to conquer them as if you are fighting a
battle for your life. Oh, by the way, this is for your life! Pay close attention! People that suffer from chronic disease conditions like diabetes, obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and other health conditions, for example, nearly always, follow the pattern of eating and drinking depicted below. I call them

TIP-UP SPEAR (The Wrong Spear)


Let’s break this down. What exactly am I saying here with this diagram? If you are a follower of the Wrong Spear, you will more than likely have poor eating and drinking habits. I am going to discuss this with you meal by meal.

Breakfast: More than likely you usually skip breakfast or you eat a very small amount of food in the morning when you rise. Your thinking follows a logic that says, if you start out your day with no calories by skipping breakfast and starving till lunch time, you will lose weight.
Right? Wrong! The opposite happens; the body goes into fat storage protection mode. Your thinking is following the wrong logic. In the morning your body is most ready for nutrition. Morning is the ideal time to eat a hearty, healthy meal! Feed it!


After skipping breakfast you probably feel that now you can eat a little more, and you eat a good size lunch. Your hunger is very strong; you usually eat a bit aggressively because you are very hungry! By missing that first meal you have started the starving signals to fire, and it is just the beginning; you will be chasing hunger all day long.


You have been programmed to believe that frequent, small meals help to speed up your metabolism and cause your body to burn hyper-energy and therefore you will lose weight. Stop and think for a minute. Is this working for you? I bet it isn’t; but, no matter what, you keep doing it because it makes you think you are doing something about your weight. This is bad thinking and you are
going to have to change it quickly! The stomach needs a minimum of four hours of rest after a meal. Constant eating draws down valuable life forces that you need in order to maintain a robust immune system.


After a day of hard work, starving yourself at breakfast, and a hearty lunch, it is natural to feel the need for a reward meal.  Dinner becomes that reward, the largest meal of your day. Dumping large calories into the stomach promotes storage at the worst possible time in the evening! As you end your day your activities greatly reduce, you end up slumping on the couch in front of the TV falling asleep. Where are all those calories going? How about to your gut? (And soon, you won’t be able to see your feet, when
you look down… you will see nothing but tummy.)


All day long you are probably drinking soda, and lots of coffee. Or, perhaps you are one of those
who guzzles those poisonous, high-energy drinks… those empty calorie drinks that dump grand amounts of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and a boat-load of caffeine into your body. This is most unhealthy! You have got to do
something about this fast!

Liquids are your primary source of hydration. It is crazy to live on coffee, soda, and high-energy drinks! The sugar is bad and caffeine is a diuretic. It is taxing your kidneys and beating down your body! You are aging fast
and it will catch up with you. BAD, BAD… BAD!

PAY ATTENTION! These are terrible habits
that you must break and BREAK NOW!

Notice the difference. Using my system, outlined in this book, start by establishing your goals and fill in
the rest from there. Turn your “Spear Tip” down and you will become the “Tip of the Spear!”